Its origin dates back to the 12th and 11th centuries BCE.

12th and 11th centuries BCE
Its origin dates back to the 12th and 11th centuries BCE, with the arrival of the Phoenicians who settled in its territory after defeating the Tartessians.
Phocaean Greeks
7th century BCE
Later, this area was occupied by the Phocaean Greeks, in constant rivalry with the Punics.
2nd century BCE
Its first major inhabitants were the Romans, who named it Cortex (meaning "armor" or "defense"), a name that was later respected by the Arabs and has come down to us.
The Roman civilization left two nuclei of great importance that bear witness to its glorious passage, one in the ruins of the city of Saeponia or Seponta, of which it is believed that all kinds of remnants are preserved and still today remains unexcavated, the other, the remains of the city known as "Cortes el Viejo," very close to the village.
Until 1.485 AD
Under Arab rule, Cortex, as it was called, was under the authority of Seville, later Granada, and finally Ronda. It was ultimately conquered by San Fernando in 1.248, but shortly afterward, and until 1.485, it returned to Arab hands, leaving behind significant remnants of their culture, such as the "Torre del Paso" (Tower of the Pass).
From the 17th century onwards.
The current location of the town dates back to the late 17th century, so its urban planning and main buildings follow different criteria from the prevailing norm in the towns of the region, with a rooted Arab-style layout.
Any time of the year is suitable to visit our village.
Manifiesto Cortesano
Fuga in dolorum et iste et culpa. Commodi possimus nesciunt modi voluptatem placeat deleniti adipisci. Cum delectus doloribus non veritatis. Officia temporibus illo magnam. Dolor eos et.
Fuga in dolorum et iste et culpa. Commodi possimus nesciunt modi voluptatem placeat deleniti adipisci. Cum delectus doloribus non veritatis. Officia temporibus illo magnam. Dolor eos et.
Semana Santa
Fuga in dolorum et iste et culpa. Commodi possimus nesciunt modi voluptatem placeat deleniti adipisci. Cum delectus doloribus non veritatis. Officia temporibus illo magnam. Dolor eos et.
Artisan activities have represented a long tradition in our village.
Clean air and pure waters give genuine and distinctive traits to our products.
Useful Information
Important Phone Numbers
Teléfono: 952 15 33 46
Teléfono: 699 42 76 74
Teléfono: 600 21 97 95
Teléfono: 952 15 40 25
Teléfono: 607 53 10 03
Teléfono: 952 15 40 00
Teléfonos: (nuevo en trámite 09/02/2018)
Teléfono: 615 902 642
Teléfono: 952 15 45 56
Teléfono 951 70 90 47
Teléfono: 952 15 45 99
Teléfono: 952 15 42 34
Teléfono: 952 15 32 50
Teléfono: 952 15 30 00
Teléfono: 952 15 99 09
Ctr. Villamartín - Puerto del Espino Km.51
29380 Cortes de la Frontera (Málaga)
Tlf. 955 035 886 | Fax: 952 159 524
Teléfono: 952 15 95 25
Teléfono: 951 95 73 64
C/ Deportes s/n. Ronda.
How to get there
Cortes de la Frontera, a village in the Serranía de Ronda.
By car
By train
By plane
We can arrive from various routes.:
Cortes de la Frontera has a train station on the Antequera - Algeciras line.
Distances from the nearest airports: